App Start Instrumentation

Learn more about the Sentry App Start Instrumentation for the Flutter SDK.

Sentry's app start instrumentation provides insight into how long your application takes to launch.

Before diving into the configuration, it's important to understand how app start instrumentation behaves:

App start instrumentation tracks the duration between the earliest native process initialization and the first frame rendered (as reported by addTimingsCallback). Once the app start is processed, the callback is removed to avoid additional overhead.

When the SDK receives the start and end times of the app launch, the SDK:

  • Creates a transaction named ui.load
  • Attaches a span with either app.start.cold or app.start.warm operation
  • Adds app start metrics to the transaction

Before starting, ensure:

  1. The Sentry Flutter SDK is initialized. Learn more here
  2. Tracing is set up. Learn more here.

This instrumentation is automatically enabled. There is no need for further configuration.

Launch your Sentry configured app.

Open the performance page, find, and select the 'root /' transaction and navigate to the trace view of a sampled event.

Select the event within your transaction. Sentry displays the app start metrics on the right side of the screen in the Mobile Vitals section.

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